Saturday, November 14, 2009

I've been Bugged!!!

Matt graciously bought me a Bodybugg for my birthday! Recently I have constantly been complaining about how I want (and need) to lose weight so I think Matt did it mainly to shut me up, but on the other hand because he loves me. After finding out how much they cost, I was very tempted to send it back trying to talk myself into the fact that I don't really need it. Well, I probably don't really need it, but I have slowly fallen in love with it! If you don't know what a Body Bugg is, they wear them on Biggest Loser and they keep track of calories burned per day. This enables you to create a "calorie deficit" so that you can lose weight. One of their slogan's is "We take the guesswork out of losing weight." They really do and so far for the past 4 days I've been able to create that "deficit" so I'm on my way to my January 27 goal date! I'll keep you updated on how it goes!


Amy said...

That is really cool, Jessica. I totally want one also. Good luck on your goals.

How did the Disney trip go?

Hector, Kimberly, Alex and Gabe said...

I have been very bugged by my own need to loose weight! My sister and her ward riends are doing a great weightloss program that is SERIOUSLY wokring or all of them. Let me know if you want details :)

Rebecca W. said...

Chris totally wants one of those -- he's trying to talk me into one for Christmas. Let me know how you like it :)

bloggingchristy said...

OHHHHH . . . I 'm so jealous! That's what I asked for for Christmas! I'm glad you like it! Now I KNOW I should get one!