Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day #2...Check

Here goes the blurb of the day. For some reason, (although the more I talk to other moms it is not so uncommon) Jaxon and Carter have to be in the same room as me at all times. This makes it interesting when I take a shower. I really won't go into it, but today Jaxon was playing around in the bathroom as I was getting ready. As I finished he said, "All done?" I reply, "Yes, I'm all done." Jaxon says back to me, "Mommy, you're pretty." This just made my day.

As we were driving home from Wal-Mart later in the day, Carter started singing the G-Force song? Never heard it? He made it up so you'll have to hear it personally from him if you want to. It was pretty funny! Carter says to Jaxon, "Let's sing the G-Force song." So he starts singing along, "G-Force, da da da da, G-Force." and on and on...


Talai said...

How sweet! And, it isn't uncommon, Owen is the same way. Although I have a play room for him in the room right next to the kitchen, he must be right on the kitchen floor playing while I am cooking.

brittany said...

my kids always want to be in the room i'm in too. they have so many fun things to do in other rooms too. i will never understand it. jackson is adorable!

bloggingchristy said...

I love that you are blogging more, maybe I need to too! Your boys are so cute, all these posts is making me them miss them more!