Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm a big fan

Not much to report today, but I have failed to mention one of my most favorite things I have started a few months ago. Some ladies in my ward started dinner groups. A lot of them have dissolved, but I started one with two friends Mindi and Tiff and it has been a dream. There is nothing better than only having to cook dinner about 2 or 3 times a week. Actually, I don't mind cooking it, I just hate planning dinners and having to figure out what we are going to have! Drives me crazy! We would have cold cereal every night if it was more healthy! I'm so grateful it has worked out and and I swear food tastes so much better when you don't have to make it!

Another thing I will never understand...Why my boys have 500 toys to play with but would rather be in the kitchen running around the kitchen island and slapping me on the butt when they run by!


Mindi said...

I love our dinner group too, I hope we continue it for a very long time. It is so helpful.

Becca Bell said...

I know this is a bit hypocritical, but I hate it when Eli slaps me on the butt. He actually gets in trouble for it, but I love to pat my kids' butts any time I get a chance. Is that bad parenting?

bloggingchristy said...

Your so funny, I wonder where they got the slapping the butt thing? You might want to tell Matt to calm down around your kids! I mean what is he teaching them?

Tiff said...

We did sign a contract that nobody can ever quit dinner group right? I love it and can't ever go back to cooking every night!